Swedish Coordination Numbers
Here are 5 random Swedish Coordination Numbers from the list of testdata.
10 digit versions
12 digit versions
10 Digit String |
020776-2394 |
This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year. |
12 Digit String |
200207762394 |
The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time.. |
Year |
2002 |
The year the person was born. |
Month |
07 |
The month the person was born. |
Day |
16 |
The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part.
It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day |
76 |
The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter |
- |
By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100. |
Gender |
Male |
Extracted from Birth Number. |
Date of Birth |
2002-07-16 |
Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day. |
Age |
22 |
Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day. |
10 Digit String |
931267-2380 |
This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year. |
12 Digit String |
199312672380 |
The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time.. |
Year |
1993 |
The year the person was born. |
Month |
12 |
The month the person was born. |
Day |
07 |
The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part.
It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day |
67 |
The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter |
- |
By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100. |
Gender |
Female |
Extracted from Birth Number. |
Date of Birth |
1993-12-07 |
Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day. |
Age |
31 |
Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day. |
10 Digit String |
220380-2380 |
This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year. |
12 Digit String |
202203802380 |
The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time.. |
Year |
2022 |
The year the person was born. |
Month |
03 |
The month the person was born. |
Day |
20 |
The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part.
It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day |
80 |
The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter |
- |
By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100. |
Gender |
Female |
Extracted from Birth Number. |
Date of Birth |
2022-03-20 |
Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day. |
Age |
2 |
Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day. |
10 Digit String |
230362-2381 |
This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year. |
12 Digit String |
202303622381 |
The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time.. |
Year |
2023 |
The year the person was born. |
Month |
03 |
The month the person was born. |
Day |
02 |
The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part.
It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day |
62 |
The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter |
- |
By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100. |
Gender |
Female |
Extracted from Birth Number. |
Date of Birth |
2023-03-02 |
Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day. |
Age |
1 |
Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day. |
10 Digit String |
221278-2383 |
This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year. |
12 Digit String |
202212782383 |
The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time.. |
Year |
2022 |
The year the person was born. |
Month |
12 |
The month the person was born. |
Day |
18 |
The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part.
It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day |
78 |
The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter |
- |
By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100. |
Gender |
Female |
Extracted from Birth Number. |
Date of Birth |
2022-12-18 |
Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day. |
Age |
2 |
Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day. |