Randomize Swedish Coordination Numbers

Here are 5 random Swedish Coordination Numbers from the list of testdata.

10 digit versions

12 digit versions



10 Digit String 691274-2399 This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year.
12 Digit String 196912742399 The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time..
Year 1969 The year the person was born.
Month 12 The month the person was born.
Day 14 The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part. It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day 74 The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter - By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100.
Gender Male Extracted from Birth Number.
Date of Birth 1969-12-14 Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day.
Age 55 Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day.


10 Digit String 230578-2381 This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year.
12 Digit String 202305782381 The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time..
Year 2023 The year the person was born.
Month 05 The month the person was born.
Day 18 The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part. It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day 78 The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter - By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100.
Gender Female Extracted from Birth Number.
Date of Birth 2023-05-18 Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day.
Age 1 Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day.


10 Digit String 211286-2384 This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year.
12 Digit String 202112862384 The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time..
Year 2021 The year the person was born.
Month 12 The month the person was born.
Day 26 The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part. It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day 86 The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter - By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100.
Gender Female Extracted from Birth Number.
Date of Birth 2021-12-26 Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day.
Age 3 Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day.


10 Digit String 921260-2396 This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year.
12 Digit String 199212602396 The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time..
Year 1992 The year the person was born.
Month 12 The month the person was born.
Day 00 The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part. It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day 60 The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter - By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100.
Gender Male Extracted from Birth Number.
Date of Birth Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day.
Age Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day.


10 Digit String 150465+2387 This is the most common format, often refered to as YYMMDD-XXXX. The year is represented as 2 digits and the delimiter provides the info required to get the full year.
12 Digit String 191504652387 The format that is the receomended one to use when persisting it as it contains the full year as digits and no delmiter that changes over time..
Year 1915 The year the person was born.
Month 04 The month the person was born.
Day 05 The day the person was born.
Note: Because of a limited amount of birth numbers per day (1000) a person might not receive the exact day as the day part. It can be a few days later or earlier, but always within the same month.
Coordination day 65 The day part of the number.
Is the Day + 60.
Delimiter + By default a hyphen (-) but turns into a plus (+) the year the person turns 100.
Gender Female Extracted from Birth Number.
Date of Birth 1915-04-05 Extracted from Year, Month and Day. See potential limitation on Day.
Age 109 Extracted from Date of Birth. See potential limitation on Day.